Sunday, August 17, 2008


Today is the day that my hubby leaves for his two-month training stint prior to being deployed later this fall.  After a whirlwind of paperwork, visits to Fort Belvoir, packing and last minute preparations, I finally think that he and I are about as ready as we'll ever be.  We'll probably leave here in about an hour or so to make the 3+ hour drive back to Blackstone, Virginia, where we'll say our goodbyes and I'll have to turn back around and drive back to northern Virginia.  I'm sure I'll be a mess these next few days, but my mom and my youngest brother are coming down to visit with me for a couple of days this week and I have a long list of projects and things-to-do around the house to keep me busy.  If all goes as planned, I might even get to see him over Labor Day weekend.

There's a really great article in the Style section of the New York times today about being a "war bride" that does a wonderful job of summing up a lot of what I've been feeling.  Give it a whirl if you have some free time!


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