Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weekend Update

Vintage Valentine's Day card from my collection of old stuff

Last night I got creative and bought a can of tuna, liquified it, and fed it to Josie with a syringe.  At first she was a little skeptical, but soon came to the realization that tuna is awesome and she would like some more, please.  She wound up eating a bit of the liquid grossness herself and then proceeded to eat from her dry food bowl throughout the night.  I was amazed.  So this morning when I took her to the vet's for her bi-weekly injection and fluids, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that she had gained four ounces since her last weigh-in on Tuesday.  The vet seems to think that I found a way to trigger Josie's appetite with the tuna and told me to keep it up.  We also had a very heart-to-heart talk about her condition and what would be best for her.  Basically, we've decided to continue in this course of action and do some blood work next week to see what her liver is up to and continue from there.  He also told me, very nicely I might add, that he'll let me know when he thinks its her time to go, and that he thinks she still has a lot of fight left in her, especially if I can keep her eating.  This is why I love Dr. Neff.  The other vet that was treating her (I won't name names) did not impress me with his bedside manner, and basically told me the first time I brought Josie in that I should consider putting her down.  He also referred to her as "him" and "it," never once calling her by her name.  I'm pretty much done with that guy.  Dr. Neff, however, approaches Josie's care in the same manner that I do; any improvement, no matter how slight, is significant and  cause for celebration.  I know she has a long way to go, and its uphill and snowing most of the way, too, but I'm hopeful and sometimes that makes all the difference in the world.

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Josie's liver! Sounds like she's a fighter, though - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you both. By the way, I don't know if you've tried it or not, but when my childhood cat Jake came down with feline lymphoma and totally lost his appetite my mom would smear butter on his paws and when he would try to clean it off obviously he would ingest it - lots of fat and calories! Good for kitty, not so much for humans...

  2. Butter, eh? I might have to give it a whirl if the tuna shake stops working. Thanks for the tip!


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