Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The hardest decision

Tonight I took both of the girls to the vet's for their weekly check-in; Trish needed to have her glucose levels monitored and Josie was due for some more fluids. I wish I could say that Josie has been doing well since her visit last Wednesday, but that would be more than simple optimistic embellishment on my part. The fact of the matter is that over the past 2-3 days her condition has worsened to the point where she can no longer control her bladder (in addition to her bowels) and is having trouble with both of her hind legs now and therefore can't move around very much at all. I told Dr. Neff about these recent developments and so he drew some blood for tests and checked her body for any abnormalities. When he was palpating her abdomen, he grew very concerned and ordered an x-ray immediately. What he saw was not good; Josie has fluid leaking internally which has filled most of her abdomen. He can't tell where the fluid is coming from without an ultrasound, but the fact of the matter is or more of Josie's organs are failing and there's no magic pill that I can give to her that will make it all better. At this point it's about making the hard, but right, decision to do what's best for her. So it is with a very heavy heart that I have decided to put Josie to sleep this Friday afternoon. She's been a sweet, brave girl and has fought very hard, but ultimately her body just can't take any more and to prolong her life like this would be very cruel indeed. Nursing Josie through her sickness these past few months has been very difficult for me and I wanted to let you all know that I've truly appreciated all of your kind words and well wishes.


  1. sorry, lady. that's so sad, in addition to you probably not having the easiest time at the moment anyway. i am glad trish is being a trooper though! she has always been there!

    maybe one of us can venture outwards soon and have a visit. i miss the shit outta you.

    cuddle the kitty lots :(

  2. Thanks, dood. It would be awesome if you and perhaps your grey-haired limey could come down here to hang out for a bit-it's been way too long!

  3. I'm so sorry that you've had to make this choice but I know you love Josie and are doing exactly what you need to do. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Big hug.

  4. Thanks for the virtual hug, G. I really appreciate it.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that. Be strong today :) *hugs*

  6. I'm so, so sorry to hear that's its finally come down to the Hard Decision. You are doing the right thing, though, and Josie will be a much happier kitty in a much better place when its over. Hang in there!


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