Monday, July 27, 2009

Tempis Fugit, or, One year later

Beautiful roses from CH

Yesterday was our one-year wedding anniversary; of the last 365 days, I think I can safely say that Captain Husband and I have spent about 340 days of the past year apart. But the light at the end of the tunnel has been steadily growing brighter and it's now just a matter of about two weeks before CH is home for good (or as good as one can get with the military). Super exciting!

In other news, I spent the weekend in Western Pennsylvania attending the wedding of my cousin, A. J. and his new wife, Amy. How cute were they?!

And check out the awesome covered pool and courtyard at the hotel where they had their reception:
Vintage 60s kitsch/cool! All of the rooms had balconies that looked out over the pool and hot tub areas, and some of the rooms were two levels, with jacuzzi tubs on the second floor. I kind of want to take a trip back there with CH once he's home. The only thing that would make it better would be if some of the rooms were still outfitted with their original furnishings from the 60s. A girl can dream...


  1. Happy Anniversary!! Congrats on surviving what has been a rather disjointed year, I'm sure. Only a little bit longer to go, right??

  2. We're down to about two weeks left now; thanks for the well wishes!


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