After poking around the interwebs and making note of the various strollers that I saw out and about in Old Town and taking in some reviews from actual moms, I decided on a stroller that will hopefully be the answer to all of my infant-transportation needs requiring wheels. This is the Phil and Teds Sport Stroller, which is pretty cool in that it converts from a single infant/toddler stroller to a inline double stroller with the simple addition of a seat to either the front or the back. Since Captain Husband and I plan on adding to our brood some time in the future, this doubles feature seemed to make a lot of sense. So I started cruising Ebay and Craigslist in the hopes of finding a good deal (because dude, these things are way expensive new), and lucked out on Sunday; a gently used 2008 sport model was available with the doubles kit included! I made an appointment to go see it and was convinced by the family's assertions that this stroller is, in fact, the only one I'll need, since it's compatible with the infant car seat I plan to use, easily transportable, and can be used a jogging stroller. I was sold (or rather my mom was as this is her "grandmother" gift to us) and am now the proud owner of the model shown above (I think CH will get a kick out of the camo).
I had some Amazon gift certificates burning a hole in my pocket, so I thought I would check out some of the accessories available for the stroller; I wound up getting a water bottle holder attachment, a stroller bag thingy (so hopefully I won't need a diaper bag), and a little something called the Lazy Ted (cute baby not included):
While it may not look like much, this frame converts the extra seat into an infant bouncer & toddler seat. Which means if I'm actually using the extra seat as a bouncer, the chances of me misplacing it before I have a second kid and need it decrease by at least tenfold. Making use of stuff I already have lying around=awesome!
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