Friday, June 4, 2010

Sad, sad news

A rare glimpse of the Trish-monster in the wild

As many of you know from numerous blog posts and conversations, my cat, Tricia, has been dealing with some medical issues lately. She's always bounced back from her various ailments, but this time is different. She hasn't eaten in over a week and Dr. Neff has exhausted his bag of tricks trying to discover what is wrong with her; she's wasting away and listless, a shadow of her former spunky and talkative self.
Trish has been a part of my life now for nearly ten years and I just can't let her suffer; I owe her so much more than that. So I have made the very difficult decision to do what's best for her and will have her put to sleep tomorrow. This breaks my heart in ways I never thought possible, but I know it's the right thing to do. I will hold her and love her and hopefully hear her distinctive purr one last time...


  1. L - I am so, so sorry. *hugs* Let me know if you need anything.

  2. Thanks. She went peacefully this morning and I know I did the best I could do for her.

  3. Oh geez, that's an agonizing decision to make! I'm so sorry, but I'm very glad you got to be with her.

  4. rest in peace, trishika. sorry for your sad fuzzy loss, lady. i'll always remember her trying to massacre me on your couch :)

  5. I still have the t-shirt you made for me with the monster on it; I'm thinking of having it framed or something. :)

  6. I just got around to reading this but I just must say that I am so very sorry. I had to make the same decision a few years ago and I still miss her. It sounds like you both are so lucky to have had each other.

    Much love and many hugs to you.


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