Friday, September 24, 2010

Invasion of the body snatchers

On the days that I actually manage to shower, I often find myself looking down at my body and wonder, just who's body is this anyway? My stomach, lower back and thighs are now criss-crossed by a network of angry red stretchmarks. My once adorable Edward Gorey tattoo on my hip now looks like a surrealist's dream. Consider the evidence; here is my tattoo shortly after it was completed back in 2003:

And here it is today:


I'm sure as time goes by I'll be more comfortable with all of the changes that have taken place with my body (don't even get me started on my boobs), but I still feel like I'm looking in a fun house mirror at someone else. Then I have to remind myself, oh yeah, you just had a baby. Duh.


  1. Hi, just letting you know that you are not alone. My daughter is 4.5 months old and I still can't fit in my pre-pregnancy clothes. It's like looking at a stranger when I look at my body in the mirror... but yes, at the end of the day, seeing my little one makes all the bodily changes worth it... permanent or not. Cheers! :)

  2. Mumsy-thanks for stopping by; your blog is so adorable!

  3. you're welcome, and thanks for the compliment. I love your blog, too. I will be dropping by often. :)

  4. I'm with you there, these last 10 pounds are killing me. :( On the upside, very cool tattoo!

  5. I have to say I'm having a "senior" moment, since I am the generation of the Thompson Twins and Tears for Fears rather than tatoos! I'm getting myself prepared for the fact that one of my children will be pierced, tatooed or whatever else may come down the path. Anyway, my issue is my bladder. No more jogging or jumping jacks for me :0


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