Tuesday, October 19, 2010

And kitty makes three

This is what happens when you have an overly affectionate cat and a baby. Said cat will employ whatever means necessary to insert herself into what I like to call the Circle of Attention. Recently this means lying on me and/or Sammy while he's getting his bottle. Prior to this latest development, Sandy would seek attention by jumping onto the china cabinet, batting around my antique glass collection, and when that didn't work, she would attempt to scale the 7' bookcases (often with little success). I'm convinced that Sammy is going to have a nice little complex since their names sound so similar, due to the fact that he'll be enjoying some nice quiet time on my lap and then all of a sudden I'm shouting, "SANDY, NO!" at the top of my lungs.

Fortunately, there appears to be a mutual affection between the two. Whenever Sandy jumps up on my lamp, Sammy will extend a hand to touch her fur. When Sammy wakes up in the morning (and before I'm able to will myself out of bed), he'll often spend a few minutes smiling and chatting with the cat, who likes to lean over the side of his co-sleeper and steal a few kitty kisses while I'm still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. She's sneaky like that.


  1. So jealous - we had to give away our cat who just could not deal with the loss of attention the baby brought. I don't miss her yowling us awake at 4 am, tho.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. Though I totally understand what you mean about the late night wake-up calls; Sandy and Sammy have finally coordinated their 6:30 am feedings.

  3. Oh my gosh, that is just too cute!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love that damn cat.

  6. You are a complete IDIOT. That is so freaking dangerous and is not cute at all. The cat needs to get the hell away from your sleeping child. Good grief, this is called common sense 101. Get some. I'm sure you'll delete this because I'm not patting you on the back for your idiotic behavior and telling you what a good and sweet cat you have. What you have is a cat who's going to possible smother your baby, it's happened many times to other people stupid enough to think this behavior from an animal is cute.

  7. Dear Anonymous,
    I appreciate your concern but the last time I checked cats don't actually steal the souls of children so I'm pretty cool with two of them spending time together while under my careful supervision. Next time you have something to say, I'd appreciate it if you would do so under your actual identity to better aid in fact checking your inflammatory rhetoric. Thanks for stopping by!


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