Friday, November 12, 2010

Are you sitting down?

Earlier today I was Skyping with my friend, Julianne, and her daughter, Lillian (who's three weeks older than Sammy), and we were having a good time pretending that the two kiddos were actually conversing with one another. In an effort to make myself more comfortable I moved Sammy off of my lap and sat him on the floor. To my utter surprise, he remained there, sitting on his own accord.  I went to get my camera, half convinced that he'd have tumbled over by the time I got back, but nope, he was still sitting there like a champ.

I think he read my post about holding off on starting him on solid foods until he could sit up on his own and the cheeky monkey decided to call my bluff.  Looks like I've got myself a new weekend project.


  1. What a pleasant surprise! Yay Sammy! Very cute photos L!

  2. Maeve just figured it out this week, too!

  3. I'll feed him some solid food... But I can't gaurantee the cleanliness of your child, house or me...

  4. That's my boy! Not rolling over, but sitting up. Full of surprises :)

  5. Awwwwww!!! He looks sooooo cute sitting in front of the laptop!!!

    Love the pics!

  6. Oh my goodness, he is so cute. I love his whispy hair. Makes me miss that age...I wish there were a baby borrowing agency where you could hold babies until they cry or poop. Good luck with solids!

  7. LOL - this is something I would do. Love it.


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