Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Five-Month Update

Sammy is now five months old; sheesh, where does the time go?  I'm going to guess that he weighs at least 15 1/2 pounds (or so my back tells me) and he's definitely pushing the 26" length limit on the bjorn.  To give you an idea of his size, Sammy is now wearing nine-month sized clothing.  Seriously--who keeps putting miracle grow in his bottles?  Speaking of bottles, Sammy has begun to eat solid foods and has mastered bananas; this week I'm going to introduce carrots so hopefully that will go as well as bananas did.  Sammy enjoys sitting up on his own and has recently discovered his toes as a result.  Sammy has also mastered passing toys back and forth from each hand and enjoys feeling the texture of everything, including my face and glasses.  He may have rolled over from his back to his tummy the other day, but this feat was done while no one was paying close attention (one minute he was on his back and the next he was on his tummy) and has yet to be repeated so I'm not going to call that one in the bag just yet.  He loves talking to his dad on Skype and gets excited whenever he sees me open up the laptop.  Sammy is one happy little guy--all you have to do is say hi to him and you're pretty much guaranteed a big gummy smile in return (no signs of teeth yet).  Unless, of course, you happen to be Santa Claus.  Sorry Santa.

Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll get my act together enough to finally get his room started.  Sammy's lovely little habit of talking himself to sleep, while endearing, is keeping me awake at all hours since it takes place roughly 6 inches from my ear.  Don't get me wrong--I love that he can soothe himself, I just wish he did so in a more quiet manner.  My plan is to have Sammy in his own room by the time he turns six months, which is right around Christmas.  (Learn from my mistake and don't wait until after your kid is born to do his room--I don't know what I was smoking when I thought, "Why yes, I'll do a nursery all by myself while simultaneously taking care of an infant!  Easy peasy!"  I blame the pregnancy hormones.)


  1. Awww!! Just look at that face!! So cute!!!

  2. He is so cute L! Lol on the miracle grow... maybe my little one can have some? haha.


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