Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Going bananas

Yesterday I gave Sammy his first taste of "solid" food: a yummy mashed-up banana mixed with a little formula (I wussed out over the weekend).  Here's a video of the action (please excuse the poor camera work; I was trying to film and feed him at the same time):

All in all I think Sammy handled things pretty well; there was no screaming or crying (on either of our parts) and he actually seemed to enjoy the process although he was comically perturbed by the introduction of the spoon.  Just look at that face (it probably didn't help that every time he made it, I laughed).


  1. what a cutie!!


  2. I think that breastfed babies have a little harder time eating from a spoon because they aren't used to having foreign objects put in their mouths (I know mine did). I introduced foods by putting just a bowl in front of mine to let him play and put his hands in his mouth, then let him play with the spoon with food on it, then progressed to feeding him with a spoon. We also had pretty good success with "cheating" and making him laugh, then stuffing the spoon in.

  3. award waiting for you over at my blog!!

  4. super cute!!!

    try sweet potatoes for his first veg, that was the first thing i EVER fed both my boys. I also started them on solids earlier via drs advice (both my boys are piggies) lol!!

  5. What an absolute doll. My ten-year-old daughter was ooooing and aaahhhing over the video! Too bad you don't live closer to us, you might have had yourself a sitter in a couple of years!

  6. Yay Sammy! That is so cute! He did really well! :)

  7. Yeah - the spoon is a whole new thing. When you're ready to try some finger foods, Ricky LOVED the Baby Mum Mums from Whole Foods - I think Wegmans carries them too, probably in the health food section.

  8. Your son is absolutely adorable! By the way, I was looking at your Flickr and your photos are AMAZING! I wish I had half of the talent that you have! :)


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