Wednesday, December 15, 2010

To grandmother's house we go

'Tis the season for holiday road trips; as I mentioned yesterday, Sammy and I spent the weekend in eastern Pennsylvania visiting with my mother-in-law, Pat.  This visit marked the first time that Sammy had ever been to his grandmother's; he especially loved watching Nany Pat's dog, X-Ray, play fetch--and X-Ray quickly assumed the role of Sammy's protector and would lie down next to the pack-n-play while Sammy napped. 

Even though it was a relatively short visit, I was able to grab some time to myself while Pat hung out with Sammy and picked up some gifts for my friends who are expecting babies this spring (I can't post pictures because they spy on my blog from time to time).  We also managed to visit with Sammy's great-grandmother, the original Nany, for a little bit before hitting the rainy road back to Virginia.


  1. Laura,

    Thanks for my gifts. I love it all!

  2. Wow, you guys travel a lot. You're amazing!

  3. what a fun trip, i love visiting the grandparents!

  4. YAY! for Grandma's! Cuuuute pics too! :)

  5. I agree with kitten - you are amazing! Traveling with a baby is not easy!


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