Friday, January 7, 2011

Foto Friday: Fresh

Yesterday was one of those days where the time just slipped away from me; it's not as though I was super busy or anything, but I never was able to get around to going through my photos from 2010 for my Memories, Dreams and Reflections post (I have high hopes that I'll finally have the time over the weekend but don't hold me to that).  My mom came down yesterday afternoon to lend a hand in taking down the Christmas tree (which resulted about 10983987 needles spread throughout my house) and to watch Sammy while I go to the doctor's today.  After a delicious dinner of pizza, mom helped give Sammy a bath so I had my hands free (for once) and snapped a few photos.  Seriously, is there any better smell than that of freshly-cleaned baby?

Click below to check out the rest of the photos; have a great weekend everyone!

Household6Diva FotoFriday


  1. Nope - there's no better smell. Very cute!

  2. I love the Fresh expression on his face ;)

  3. Love the photo. I still have my tree up, I know it's a shame...

  4. What a cutie! I love bathtime photos.

  5. Look at those eyes. I bet they just make your heart melt every time.

  6. Ohh, Sammy is staring at you! Lovely photo.

  7. Oh my! Such a cutie!! Clean babies are the best.


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