Friday, January 28, 2011

Foto Friday: Reflections

This week's suggested theme over at the Household 6 Diva is reflections; I was going to try and do something artsy but I kind of ran out of time this week.  However, I did take some photos of Sammy playing around in his high chair and I noticed that the stainless steel tray was a wonderful reflective surface:

Click below to check out the rest of the photos; have a great weekend everyone!

Household6Diva FotoFriday


  1. The second reflection shot is really neat! I've never seen a stainless steel high chair tray, (not that surprising as I don't have kids) but I guess it makes for easy clean up!

  2. We have a "retro" (as in mine from 30+ yrs ago, haha) stainless steel highchair as well. Such a nice small footprint and we even have it pulled right up to the table now without the tray.
    Reflections... fun how it worked out!

  3. Fun photos and a creative take on this week's theme.

  4. Aww, love the reflection shot in the high chair tray. :)


  5. This is great, I didn't even submit anything bc I had no idea what to shoot! And life got to busy, but I would say this is artsy!! It's adorable!! Great job!!!



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