Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Have you talked to your child about antique pox?

I suffer from a horrible affliction: I am addicted to antiquing.  If I'm going on a long drive somewhere, I often plan out the route I'm going to take based not on the shortest distance between the two points, but on how many antique shops I can stop at along the way.  Having a child has not slowed me down one bit; after all, you gotta start 'em young, amirite?  For example, here's Sammy enjoying his vintage Cosco high chair from the 1950s:

For only $14.95 (in 1958), you too could own a convertible high chair that can become a "youth's chair with the removal of the steel tray and enameled footrest."  (Now if I could only find the matching Bouncy Baby Jumper...sigh.)

Ad from Better Homes & Gardens (December 1958); Image courtesy saltycotton

All of this early immersion training appears to be paying off, as Sammy handled a good three and a half hours at the DC Big Flea this weekend without a single complaint--granted, he was all nice and cozy in his stroller, but still.  I don't think I've ever walked away from the Big Flea empty-handed and this occasion was certainly no exception.  However, what made this time different from the others is that everything I bought was for Sammy.  Okay, okay, I will admit that I am totally one of those parents trying to recreate my childhood experiences for my own kid and that includes toys--specifically vintage Fisher Price toys.  So you can imagine my joy when I came across this:

A vintage 1970  Fisher Price Little People Parking Garage and Service Center just like the ones that both Captain Husband and I had growing up (and subsequently destroyed from all of our playing)!  I tried not to look too excited as I examined it; all of the pieces were there, including the service ramp, and it was in great condition (especially when one considers that it's over forty years old).  The seller saw my interest and offered to take $10 off of the already low asking price--it was simply too good of a deal to pass up.  I practically skipped out of the Big Flea back to the car with my prize.  I know Sammy will love playing with this when he gets a little older; and in the meantime, I'm enjoying reliving my childhood.


  1. Oh I had one of those too. Loved the 'ding' as the elevator moved.

  2. Oh my, we had one too, my mother only saved the little people house though. I have it for my boys but my mom took all the old people and chucked them cause they were too tiny for babies nowadays she said. Back then babies never choked on little toys:)

  3. I'm in love with that high chair!!

    I was trying to convince The Fella to go to the DC Flea this weekend, but I got lectured on "financial responsibility" and that I may be showing tendencies of becoming a hoarder... but I think he's just watching too much TLC.

  4. omg omg omg i love the high chair..i really want one. i love antiques also i just dont have the space to collect them. I am jealous of you right now!

  5. Love the high chair too! Very cool!

  6. I had the antique pox too when I lived in Southern California. It's the only "disease" I didn't mind having. lol.

  7. Oh I love antique toys! I'm so lucky because my mother in law kept many of my husbands classic toys so my boys can use them :)
    (hello - visiting from whoopsidaisy)


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