Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Sparkly

Most days I post photos of Sammy on this blog, but today it's Miss Sandy Cat's turn.  Last night I started taking down the Christmas decorations and Sandy helped me with the aluminum tree and all of its trimmings.  And by helped I mean she tried to eat everything that sparkled.

Check out the other entries by clicking below:

The Paper Mama


  1. In the second picture, it sort of looks like the cat is engulfing the beads...I can't imagine what that would be like coming out the other end....ok, forgive me my crudeness...It's late, I'm tired, and so find hilarity in the obscene.

  2. Okay I really love that last one. its great!

  3. I have a cat ~ I love these pictures! :)


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