Monday, January 24, 2011

Seven-month update

Yesterday Sammy turned seven months old.  I'm going to guess that he weighs about 21 pounds; a lot of his twelve-month sized clothing is getting tight, which is absolutely blowing my mind.  In the past month, Sammy has added avocados (they didn't go over too well), squash and sweet potatoes to his menu of foods, as well as Baby Mum Mums (most of which wind up mashed into his clothing and/or the carpet).  He's even been trying to feed himself and often grabs the spoon away from me when it's time to eat:

I've tried introducing a sippy cup just to get him used to the idea but he mostly just chews on the nozzle while water drips all over him. Holding his own bottle is still not high on his list of things to do, either. Oh well--I suppose they're called baby steps for a reason.  (I'll be here all night, folks.)

Bath time is a favorite around here, especially now that Sammy's figured out how to splash with his hands and his feet.  Plus the rubber duckie makes an excellent chew toy.

Sammy is absolutely infatuated with Sandy.  He recognizes the sound of the bell on her collar and whenever he hears it, he searches for her and then lets out a high-pitched squeal as soon she crosses into his field of vision.  I honestly think that when Sammy does decide to start crawling it's going to be because he's trying to get to Sandy.  In fact, my new trick for getting him to last through tummy time without having a total meltdown is to position him so he can watch me play with the cat; while she chases after the string, he just laughs and laughs and does his little baby push-ups.

Sammy's still babbling a lot but I can't make out any actual syllables, although sometimes when he's crying it does sound like he's saying "mama."  (I have had this verified by a third party, so I'm not being totally nutso here.)  I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that his first word is going to be something Sandy-related.  He loves talking to her.

I will say that Sammy isn't sunshine and rainbows all of the time; these past few days have revealed a new aspect of his personality in that he appears to get quickly frustrated though fortunately these spells don't last too long (he's easily distracted so I've been able to redirect his attention elsewhere when this happens--thank goodness).  I can't wait to see what this next month will have in store for Sammy; maybe he'll actually get some teeth (or finally figure out how to roll over from his tummy to his back)!


  1. Awwwwww, that made my usual child-fearing heart melt! Such great pictures! And what a cute kitty.

  2. Our kids are the same age! June 23rd! How cool. Love your photography skillz. :)

  3. Aww! Isnt it great watching the personality really come out? My daughter is almost 8 months old, and she is so funny sometimes.

  4. I really love this post, especially the videos! It's going to get really exciting from here, N started doing a lot of things between her 7 and 8th month birthdays so watch out! Make sure that the camera is attached to you at all times, haha.

  5. lovely baby! and such a sweetly patient kitty... pretty unusual for most cats!


  6. I have to say it...even with the pink rimmed glasses...Sammy looks like Ralphie from "A Christmas Story"!!!!!! So cute!!!!

    I heart cats.....and hope that whenever we have kids Ben and Roosie will be as excited with that kid as Sandy is with Sammy. A girl can dream....

  7. Precious! Love, love that age. It's so hard to remember back, even though I've been through it four times! The stages at this point in life come and go so quickly.

    One of my kitties heard the baby noises coming from the computer and was very curious!


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