Friday, January 14, 2011

A swing (and a near miss)

Earlier this week I decided to take Sammy outside for a bit as it was nice and sunny; I bundled him up and we went for a short walk over to one of the playgrounds in the neighborhood.  I thought Sammy might enjoy giving the big boy swings a try, especially since he's about this close to outgrowing his precious bumper jumper and will need something else to occupy him soon. 

Sammy's first time on the swings

Yeah, not exactly the face of pure joy that I was expecting.  I may have been pushing my luck on several fronts as it was a. pretty cold even with the sun and b. close to his nap time.  He nearly broke down in tears towards the end.  Hopefully the next time will be more fun for him (and me).  Have a good weekend everyone!

Household6Diva FotoFriday


  1. awww! Love the hat and bib! Maeve likes the playground best when there are other kids there.

  2. HA! I absolutely love the completely unimpressed look on his face.

  3. I selfishly like to see pics where he looks unimpressed so I don't feel so bad about my very serious baby. More grumpy pics please!

  4. Yeah he looks unimpressed but still cute as pie.

  5. Oh that face!! What a sweet shot. The hat is adorable :)

  6. Kids... most of the time they don't give you the reaction you thought or had hoped for. :) This happens to me all the time.

    He's so adorable- eventually he will like the swings :)

  7. Awwww, the look on his face is priceless!

  8. what a cutie! and a super cute hat =)

  9. He is so cute! He'll be loving that swing before long. Enjoyed the photos and I love your owl button. I'm adding it to my blog.

  10. Ohh i love that lil face..enthused or not! Marvelous captures!

  11. He is so adorable!! Just looked at your blog and am following and putting your badge up!! I love your style and I look forward to learning more about you!! Loved your vintage style wedding article!!

    PS...did you guys try to get command sponsorship??


  12. I think I just got my fill of cuteness for today! The second picture just melts my heart...

  13. he's adorable . . . thanks for stopping by.

  14. Not the face of excitement, but a super cute one! Love the shot, very adorable.

  15. hey random i know.. but doesnt this look like sandy?


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