Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Walking after midnight

Every night I put Sammy down to sleep at one end of his crib.  But when I go in to check on him a couple of hours later, right before I go to bed, he's scooted himself all the way to the other end. Some nights he manages to wedge himself so forcefully into the corner of the crib that he wakes up crying.  I don't really know what to do, so before I go to bed I've been "resetting" him, which entails picking him up and sliding him back down to where I had originally placed him earlier in the night.  This seems to help as he hasn't woken up crying in the corner for the last couple of days, but I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do when we're staying overnight away from home.  The pack-n-play that I have is on the small size and Sammy is now so big that all it takes is one scoot and he's jammed into a corner.  This weekend we stayed overnight at my friends' house and Sammy kept wedging himself into the pack-n-play's corner and crying (okay, it was more like screaming); I finally made him a bed on the floor and that seemed to do the trick.  Does anyone have any tips or tricks for dealing with a sleep-walking baby?


  1. Our baby "sleep walks" too. I haven't been able to find a way to get him to at least stop crying when he does though, boo. PS. The big squid doesn't think any baby is as cute as his babies and he picks very inappropriate times/places to say it, but last night he saw Sammy he said, man that is one adorable baby! lol. high praise from compliment stingy man!

  2. Mine used to do that all the time! Glad to know I wasn't the only one. Good news is that she grew out of that but now she flops around in her big kid bed all the time LOL! I used to do the same thing, just go in and scoot her back down. As for the squished corner... Im not sure what to do... its almost like you need a corner pad, kinda like a bumper but just for the corners... I wonder if they make things like that?

  3. Hi!

    My baby is completely all over the place at night. He doesn't cry, so I don't bother trying to do anything about his night-time moving.

    Vi (I'm Jasmine's friend)

  4. While my knee jerk reaction is the invisible fencing shock collars that people use on their dogs... it seems expensive. And, ya know, slightly abusive.

    Maybe a couple of receiving blankets rolled up together across the corners would deter him from jamming himself in there so tightly?

    Either way, good luck! I always love the bizarre problems that mothers are faced to fix by MacGyvering a solution.

  5. How about putting him down on a treadmill at night, set to a very low speed? He can just keep scooting 'til his heart's content.

    Okay, I'm so not serious. :)

    Sorry I'm not more helpful- I just let my boys outgrow it, although my three year old still sleeps in a corner of his bed, wedged up against the wall.

  6. Sorry, L, but I have to agree with the ladies about the "grow out of it" theory. My three boys have all moved around when they've slept, never ending in the same place where we put them down. My daughter, on the other hand, would wake in almost the exact position that I left her. Go figure!

    Good luck!!

  7. Ooh that's a tough one - my boys are thrashers and scooters, too but they never cried about it. Perhaps a helmet? kidding! perhaps a fluffy blanket wedged in the offending corner? Hope you guys get some sleep soon :)

  8. I have no tips for you! Ruari is all over the place...

  9. I have no idea either to be honest as Drake does it to. I can see him on the monitor even shift into the corner. I worry less about him getting jammed as that doesnt seem to be the issue the issue comes when he starts to search for his pacifier by turning his head and since he is in a corner he hits his head on the railings and flails since he cant find his pacifier. The only good thing about Drake with this issue is he still wakes up 2-3 times a night so I have to get up anyway so I readjust him each time. I have no idea what the solution is either


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