Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A brief announcement

Thank you all so very much for your kind words yesterday.  Sammy and I made it safely to Pennsylvania  without incident (and I even managed to shave some time off of the trip this go-round).   There are some other things going on in my immediate family that I'm not fully at liberty to discuss but all I can say is that when it rains, it pours.  I have a feeling that I'm going to need a couple of days to recover from this visit once all is said and done at the end of the week.

Okay, enough Debbie Downer talk: here's some exciting news--upon closer inspection, it appears that Sammy has cut his first bottom tooth!   I'm guessing that the two completely uncharacteristic screaming jags that Sammy went through last week were due to the discomfort caused by this dental eruption because he's been just fine and dandy for the past several days.  I'll try and grab a picture of it to share with all of you, but I've heard that getting kids to show off their new teeth can be practically impossible, so wish me luck.  And just for fun (mostly because I hate doing a post without a photo and because this totally makes me smile), here's a picture that has absolutely nothing to do with this post whatsoever of Sammy rocking an electrifying new 'do:


  1. Glad you made it there safely, sorry for the drama, and congrats, Sammy! And those tooth pictures do happen, it just takes patience, repetition, and a couple of days.

  2. Teething is a horrible time, you feel so bad for the little ones, but once that tooth pops through it's all worth it when they give you a [new] toothy grin :)

  3. That hair is funny1 My first sons hair did that all the time until he was almost 2, we eventually cut it, real short :)

  4. Love the static look - gosh, he is just so photogenic! Thinking of you - I admire your positive attitude!

  5. Just catching up. I'm so, so sorry about everything happening. Ignore my previous e-mail. Talk to you when you get back. Safe travels.

  6. BbBBBAAAHHHAAHAHAAA!!! I literally, LOLed when I saw his poor hair!

  7. Oh Laura Im so sorry for the loss of your grandma. Im just catching up here and if you want to talk email me. Im so sorry again and am glad you made it to PA safely. Congrats on Sammy's 1st tooth!! Drake has one but he is sneaky and wont let his mama get a close look at it! I think he is cutting a second one next to it too...might explain the recent attitude lol

  8. Well I just love finding a fellow Military spouse! I am at www.bleephotos.com :)

  9. I'm so digging his hair right now!! lol. I want to pinch his little cheeks!!

  10. I'm so sorry about your grandma. Sad. :( I'm very close with my grandma.

    I'm glad you made it there safely.

  11. Glad you made it safely. If you need to vent i'm always on skype.

    Good luck with the teeth photos, it took awhile for L's to be big enough to see.


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