Friday, February 25, 2011

Foto Friday: Shadows

This week's suggested theme over at the Household 6 Diva is "shadows."  I struggled a bit with this one, mostly because I didn't take a lot of pictures this week; the combination of not feeling all that well and the less than stellar weather kind of killed my creative mojo.   I was ready to just skip this week, but as I went upstairs to get ready for bed last night, I noticed the shadows that the stair banister cast upon the wall and grabbed my camera:

  Be sure to click below to check out the rest of this week's photos:
Household6Diva FotoFriday


  1. The minute I saw this, for some reason I thought of the movie "Rebecca". lol.

  2. Very unique...funny how when you're ready to just call it quits a good picture opportunity presents itself...

  3. i love this picture..i hope this makes sense but it reminds me of this dr.suess video i had as a kid with all these elephants walking in shadows. Weird i know

  4. Love the shadow- the repetition is so interesting.

  5. I love that you took photos (that looks great by the way!) despite not really feeling all that inspired.

  6. very nice composition. love the light!

  7. Beautiful! I like the simplicity and depth.

  8. I really like this shot. What a neat way to make an every day sight look interesting and like a work of art. Great job.


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