Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just look at this face

I don't usually post over the weekend, but this is sort of a special situation.  I just found out that my entry in the Paper Mama's Valentines Challenge has made it to the top thirty and Sammy and I need your help to win!  Time is of the essence, so click here to cast your vote by midnight 1pm (EST) on Tuesday, February 8th--Sammy and I are counting on you!


  1. I voted for you. Hope you'll win!!

    Happy Sunday!

  2. LOL that face is soooo CUTE! Heading over to vote now...

  3. Voted for you & Sammy! With that adorable face, how could anybody not? Good luck! :)

  4. How could this kid NOT win? My vote's in for Sammy! :)

  5. I put my vote in for you! Good luck!

  6. You got my vote too. He is just so cute.

  7. U got my vote! Love it good luck to you. I also saw Ashley Sisk on there... its kind of cool to recognize your blog names. =)

  8. SO cute!! I'll head right over and vote :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my blog and leave a comment!