Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crawl forth, young man!

Today Sammy turns nine-months old.  He chose to mark the occasion by finally figuring out how to crawl forward (he's been crawling backwards now for over a month).  The best part?  We were Skyping with Captain Husband when it happened this morning, so CH got to see Sammy crawl for the first time as it was actually happening.  I was so happy I nearly cried.  Seriously.


  1. I LOVE it!! So awesome CH got to see it!!! I bet he felt amazing getting to see his first forward motion!

  2. YEAH!!! We just talked about this Monday night and look at him go!! HE is so adorable and now that I have met him in person I'm more partial;0. HE'll be into everything now! hehe funnn!! And yes, getting emotional is what we mom's do, cuz we love them SO much;0 hehe

  3. omfg that is adorable!he crawls so cute i swear you have one of the cutest kids ever. What a achievemnt!!

  4. So awesome he got to see him!! That is amazing!!!

  5. Happy 9 months Sammy! Well done for crawling forward! Any tips for Amy? So amazing his dad actually saw it! Btw, do try the straw is great! Amy had problems with the sippy but loves the straw. x

  6. That is amazing and I am so glad the CH got to see that too. What a milestone now time to baby proof.

  7. Oh wow! That's story is so sweet, I might cry too :) Go sammy go!

  8. Fantabulous! And Sammy crawls with such grace and poise...

  9. Lillian watched the video and squealed with glee for Sammy:)

  10. Oh my goodness. So cute. Glad CH got to see it.


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