Friday, March 4, 2011

Foto Friday: Shapes

This week's suggested theme over at the Household 6 Diva is "shapes."  It was an incredibly slow week around these parts.  I didn't have anything fun or exciting on the calendar, so Sammy and I spent most of our time just hanging out at the house, which generally translates to me being rather lazy in the photo-taking department.  I was running low on ideas for this week's theme when I had a flash of inspiration while watching Sammy play with his infamous bead maze:

  Be sure to click below to check out the rest of this week's photos:

Household6Diva FotoFriday


  1. My son has one of those! Good idea to capture it for the shapes theme!

  2. Great idea for shapes! Nice colorful photo!

  3. Great shot! I think it's so neat when you find inspiration for photos out of something that you see pretty much everyday.

  4. hey, I have one of those and didn't even think of using it. great idea. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on


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