Friday, March 11, 2011

Getting in the picture: Momma in Focus

I am so much more comfortable behind the camera than I am in front of it; I'm sure a lot of you know what I mean.  But I'm trying to get better so to that end I've started participating in Vloggin' Vednesdays and am making a concerted effort to break out the tripod and camera remote from time to time.  I don't want Sammy to look back at the photos from his first year and say, "Hey mom--why aren't there any photos of you and me?"  However, sometimes even the best intentions need a little kick in the pants for motivation's sake and that is where Momma in Focus enters: the brilliant idea of Casey from One Day at a Time, this is a weekly photo challenge that encourages all of us moms to make a habit out of getting in front of the camera with our kids.  Without any further ado, here is my entry for today's inaugural link-up:

I'm really pleased with how this photo turned out, our shared bedhead and all--I'm reading Sammy the new book that I bought for him yesterday at Dancing Bear Toys in Frederick called Kitty Tails (can you tell we're kind of obsessed with cats around here?). I still have a lot to learn in regards to setting up self-portraits and the like, but every journey starts with a single step, right? To all of you other parents out there, break out your camera and join in on the fun by clicking below:

one day at a time

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. This is a cute photo! It's nice that you are putting yourself in some photos. It's just so much more fun to be behind the camera!

  2. Great picture!! You guys are too cute! :)

  3. What a great photo. I need to get behind my camera more too.

  4. Adorable! And I love your glasses :)

  5. Um, love that store, by the way. So fun.

  6. Wow, I never noticed how much Sammy looks like you! Great picture! Love the book, too...Amy adores cats! Her legs get all wiggly when she sees one and she makes the cutest noises.

  7. I'm so glad you're getting in the picture more often and I love the look on Sammy's face.

  8. Yeah!! SO happy that you joined in this week and got yourself in a shot with your son. I laughed when I read about your matching bedhead and it actually made me think..that is what this is all about, capturing real moments of us being real with our kiddos. Love it!! Hope to see you next week friend;0.

  9. Cute photo! I love it!

  10. the face behind the photos! Love it! He looks so much like you!!

  11. Totally feelin ya when it comes to appearing in front of the camera. I usually like to pose with someone else or doing something so I don't feel so awkward. Anywho, awesome pic of you guys!

  12. Very cute photo! Love it! Sammy looks a lot like you!

    Happy Monday,L!

  13. I think we might be neighbors... such a small world. I just got into the self portrait lure and it's love. It's how I can share myself with my kids... being in the pictures. If you have one, a remote is the best thing ever for this. I use a tripod, set the camera to remote, use two second delay and it focuses on the nearest foreground subject (hopefully me and/or the kids). It's awesome.


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