In an effort to learn more about fellow MilSpouse bloggers, Wifey from Wife of a Sailor started this weekly meme; here are this week's questions.
1. With PCS moves happening every few years, do you take the time to paint and decorate your home? submitted by Life as Mrs. JPT
I haven't had to PCS yet (don't hate me) but I've got one looming on the horizon this summer and you better believe I'll be putting my stamp on wherever we live next...you know, as long as the landlord is okay with it.
2. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? submitted by Standing By Him
I am currently coveting the 1920s Spanish-style bungalow in the HBO mini-series, Mildred Pierce. So many lovely architectural details--not too mention all of the fabulous period accessories!
3. What inspired you to start your blog? submitted by Pink Combat Boots
Captain Husband and were just about to get married, and I wanted a way to record all of the little details of the time leading up to and including his deployment; several of my friends had started blogs, so I jumped on the bandwagon and have been enjoying the ride ever since the summer of 2008.
4. What is the weirdest thing you've ever seen on base? submitted by Adventures in Life
I don't really have an answer for this one as I only find myself on base about once every few months, generally to pick up my prescriptions or take Sammy in for another well-baby appointment. I've always been a little weirded out by the cart pushers at the commissary, however--does that count?
5. Which historical figure (politician, writer, artist, scientist, actor, etc...) would you like to have dinner with? submitted by Army of Two
Oooo, good question! If I can only pick one, I would want to have dinner with Dorothy Parker; I imagine it would be a boozy evening filled with raucous laughter followed by us getting matching star tattoos on our elbows.
Pinch, Poke, You owe me a Coke! Yes a group dinner is a must as well as the booze and tattoos!lol.
ReplyDeleteGreat answers! Stopping by from MilSpouse Fill-In!