Thursday, April 28, 2011

Totally eggcellent: how to make an egg garland

I know I'm a little late to the party on this tutorial since Easter was a few days ago, but this is simply too cute (and cheap) to not share with everyone.  You'll need some ribbon or string, a needle (I used a regular old embroidery needle) and some colorful plastic Easter eggs, preferably with holes already drilled through their tops and bases (unless you really want to go wild and crazy and drill your own holes).  I hit up the after-Easter sales at Target yesterday and purchased four bags of a dozen plastic Easter eggs for 50 cents a pop.

Here are the easy peasy steps:
  1. Cut a length of string; I went with about nine feet.
  2. Thread the string through the needle.
  3. Separate the egg halves and thread them onto the string, reassembling the eggs after you have them positioned on the string.  Repeat until you run out of eggs.
This is what the finished garland looks like:

The whole thing cost me two dollars to make and took approximately fifteen to twenty minutes to assemble, which was exactly how long Sammy decided to nap yesterday afternoon (don't get me started).  And while I may be too late for Easter this year, I've definitely got a great head start for next year's decorations, and at a bargain basement price, too.


  1. that is darling and actually got me thinking that next year when I offer my children's easter portraits indoors that would be a great prop for my studio!! THanks!!

  2. Too cute, although it looks like Kitty thinks it's a new cat toy. How long before those eggs are scrambled?

  3. That's such a simple idea, but such a GOOD one! Thanks for taking the time to share. :)

  4. So, where was this idea at our last crafting, er, wine-drinking get-together??

  5. That is great! How fun would that be for photos!?


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