Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Vloggin' Vednesday: Let's talk music

Welcome to this week's edition of Vloggin' Vednesday; the prompt for today is music.  Initially I toyed around with the idea of running through my most played songs in iTunes, but that wasn't embarrassing enough so I took things in a different direction.  Enjoy!

Here's the link to the radio station that I mentioned; seriously, go check it out and download its audio stream--you won't regret it.  And here's the link for the app so you can enjoy the sounds of the 1920s while you're out and about; I don't leave home without it. 

Want to join in, too?  Visit the official Vloggin’ Vednesdays page to find current themes/ questions along with the corresponding Vednesday and then link up at Adeline’s Daddy Blog each Wednesday Vednesday.  C'mon, you know you want to!


  1. You're right - I did not know that you played the trombone or 20s music. How cool!

  2. Yay! My instrument was saxophone, which is another that is not usually considered a "girl" instrument. And I played "In the Mood" in jazz band in high school! Now Olivia plays sax (something I need to blog about soon). I'm really hoping she keeps it up, although she says she "hates" it now (it was her choice of instrument - there is no getting Liv to do something she doesn't want to do). But as she's learning the notes and how to play, she's liking it more!

  3. Hahaha I certainly didn't expect that! Very cool that you play the trombone...I just really cant listen to jazz. It makes me aggressive ;-) hopefully Sammy enjoys it...would be great if you keep a family tradition up.

  4. You are totally awesome!

    And I LOVE that you listen to 20's music at the gym...

    I really loved your story!

  5. I should have talked about my mad violin skills, yo. We should start a band.

  6. Okay so I totally play the saxaphone! I am with holly on this idea for a band! we would be awesome!!

  7. You are one cool cat!


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