Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vloggin' Vednesday: Significant other

Welcome to this week's edition of Vloggin' Vednesday; this week's prompt is "significant other" so I've decided to tell you a little bit about the man behind the woman behind this blog.  Hope you enjoy it!

Want to join in, too?  Visit the official Vloggin’ Vednesdays page to find current themes/ questions along with the corresponding Vednesday and then link up at Adeline’s Daddy Blog each Wednesday Vednesday.  C'mon, you know you want to!


  1. That photo is hillarious!!!

  2. That painting is hysterical!!! Great vlog! I really loved it! :)

  3. Awww. So cute. Love that painting. Ha ha. !

  4. I was wondering how long it would take you to tear up....that photo is hilarious! Now when is your brother going to put together a vlog?

  5. Love the painting and the story behind it!

  6. I love that he went there with that painting! So funny!

  7. Loving that painting, definitely something to hang on to forever. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  8. That painting is so funny!
    Thanks for sharing!
    And I'm sorry that he's away right now.....I know how hard that is, and I know that you must be a very strong woman :) keep it up!

  9. First off that made me cry a little when you said he was gone for a year. I don't know how you do it..and the painting made the tears go away.

  10. OMG almost snorted my coffee over here I'm laughing so hard. L-O-V-E that painting, and your comments when you first saw it hanging on the wall- priceless :)

  11. LOL, oh wow, that photo is hilarious!! :)

  12. okay, you almost had me in tears there too! I can't imagine being apart for that long - you're one strong lady for sure! I suppose having that painting around to remind you helps some right??:) hilarious!


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