Friday, May 13, 2011

Momma in Focus...only a little behind schedule

I normally write my posts the evening before they appear on the blog, so I was completely stymied last night by whatever issue Blogger was working out. I took advantage of the unexpected free time and caught up on some photo editing, worked on Sammy's birthday banner, and actually made it to bed before 11:30. I can't remember the last time I saw that side of midnight.  It was awesome.  Now if I could only get Sammy to sleep past 6:45 am...

Anyway, on to this week's Momma in Focus; the prompt was details and I had hoped to get some nice shots comparing our hands, but Sammy was more interested in trying to grab the camera than cooperating so on to plan b--getting someone else to take a photo of the two of us.  Fortunately I actually had someone else handy and she was more than happy to oblige, so I give you this week's photo courtesy of my friend, Gretchen (also known as Sammy's Auntie G):

Me and Sammy on Gretchen's stoop

Be sure to check out the other lovely photos this week by clicking below--
and don't forget to show Casey some love.  Have a great weekend everyone!

One Day At A Time


  1. It looks like your son is beginning to get the itch. In our house, NOTHING is more serious than electronics, and taking a cell phone away from my son is tantamount to perhaps kicking a puppy.

  2. Oh, I totally could have taken a hand shot, darn! But I like this picture of you two - with your pretty purple dress :)

  3. That is a great shot of you and your little man;0. I am with you...the blogging break was initially frustrating and then a blessing because I got to sleep early as well! haha Maybe it needs to do that more often for force us all to take a break. lol. Your little guy is growing...close to one now right?? Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. What a great shot of you two- He has the most amazing eyes.

  5. you guys are so cute!! Awe momma and son love!!

  6. It seems like everyone had this problem with blogger the other day. I'm glad I chose to be lazy that day!

    You can see the look... The "I want that camera" look on his face!

    it's a great photo!

  7. Love the capture of you two. So cute!

    Happy Monday, L!

  8. This is such a great shot - aren't you glad you're getting all these pictures with Sammy. You guys look great!


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