Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goodbye for now

Waiting in line

Monday morning rolled around much too fast for my liking and we were soon loading up the car with Captain Husband's luggage for his return flight to South Korea.  CH checked his bags and we had some time to kill before he had to head off to his gate, so father and son got in some last-minute bonding.

Watching planes with dad

It was like déjà vu all over again: this was the same location in the airport where we had said our last farewells.  Only this time around, rather than sleeping through all of the hugs and the tearful goodbyes, Sammy was toddling everywhere, flirting with strangers, and watching the airplanes go by.

Jim and Sammy

Before we knew it, it was time for CH to head off to the security check-in.  We had the option of accompanying him to the gate (most airlines offer gate passes to the families of service members on a case-by-case basis; check with your airport's USO office for more details), but CH wanted the downtime to make the mental switch for heading back to South Korea.  Turns out he got more time than he bargained for: due to maintenance issues, his plane didn't board until 9:00 pm.  Sigh--that's practically a whole other day we could have spent together as a family, but I can take solace in the fact that he'll be home for good in less than a month now.  Time to start counting down!


  1. I hope he got there safely and that this month goes by quickly.

  2. Safe travels to CH there and back again, hope the time flies!

  3. I'm so sorry that you have to be apart from your hubby again. I really marvel at how well you balance the coming and going. You are quite a gal! Hope the next month flies by and that your hubby will get to be around more soon to bond with the little man!

  4. Wow, I was surprised he was leaving again so soon, but knowing he'll be back for good in a month helps a little I'm sure. :) Keep busy with your little blue-eyed boy until then. He's so adorable. I hope time passes quickly just this once. :)

  5. Hope he has a safe trip there and back. He'll be home again with you guys before you know it!!

  6. Hang in there! You are a strong woman, wife, and mommy! :)

  7. Hope that he'll have a safe trip there.

    Hang in there, sweetie. He'll be back before you know it.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I love that photo. Hopefully the time will go fast.


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