Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Vloggin' Vednesday: Vacations

Welcome to this week's Vloggin' Vednesday: the topic for today's vlog is vacations, which I suppose is fitting because I've been on vacation from the vloggin' deal for two whole weeks.  But I'm back and in full effect, so prepare yourself for some vloggin' awesomeness...oh, okay, more like mediocrity, but I'm rusty.  And generally sleep-deprived.  Nothing a good ol' fashioned vacation can't fix--and we have our segue!

(Okay, seriously--what is up with these horrible/hilarious youtube video stills?) And before I forget, I want to send a birthday shout out to my old man, Captain Husband, who turns thirty-three years young today.  Happy birthday sweetie!

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Want to join in, too?  Visit the official Vloggin’ Vednesdays page to find current themes/ questions along with the corresponding Vednesday and then link up at Adeline’s Daddy Blog each Wednesday Vednesday.  C'mon, you know you want to!


  1. ooooo that beach house looks like so much fun. So close to the water and so pretty! I love the music playing in the background;0 Happy birthday to your hubby!!

  2. That house trip sounds like a blast. I also love the idea of a yearly family trip tradition. Wish my family would do the same!

    Also, happy birthday to your husband!

  3. Great vlog. I love the OBX. I am only like an hour and a half from it. I hope you get your dream. Happy Birthday to your hubby!


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