Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Busy as a bee

Busy Bees

{Honeybees at my parents' next-door neighbor's}

My to-do list

{My to-do list, which seems to grow longer by the minute. I have it broken down into three categories: Things to do before Captain Husband comes home this Sunday; things to do before Sammy's birthday party next Saturday; and the all-inclusive section entitled "other stuff."  My brother, John, is here and has been helping me with Sammy duty, so I've actually managed to cross several things off of the list, but I still have a long way to go before I make a significant dent of any kind.  I see a lot of late nights in my future.}


  1. I love that you wrote (duh) next to one of the items on the To Do list. I do that too. LOL!!!

  2. I love lists. I'm addicted to them and have at least 3 going at any one PS yeah for homecoming!

  3. WOW- Bees!!! Hope you captured that with a zoom lens.

    Love your shot of the to-do list. You have great penmanship!

  4. Honey bees are very cool. I know what you mean about the to-do list. For every one I cross off, I write two more on lol

  5. i need to start doing that!! a list of things to do.. LOL

    i just started following ur blog
    i'm a military gf starting my own blog:
    hope u can follow and share the love

  6. I love seeing that I'm not the only person who categorizes my to-do list. I'm so OCD like that. I even categorize my shopping list by store.

  7. oh my that's a beautiful picture of the bees but i'd be super scared to take a photo that's super close like that, haha.

  8. Good luck with the ol' to-do list. It always feels so good to mark everything off.

  9. I started doing all the research to keep bees, then I remembered that I'm allergic. Oops! Good luck on getting everything done, but don't stress if you don't!

  10. Wow! Love that bee photo.

  11. I am already considering not to have a party:-/ have not done anything at all...not even started my to do list ;-) duh!


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