Friday, July 22, 2011

Foto Friday: Something brown

I am very excited to let you all know that my house-hunting expedition in El Paso was a great success.  I present to you our brown adobe (rental) home:

I have to admit that I'm actually looking forward to moving knowing that this is what's waiting for us; it's such a huge weight off of my shoulders having everything all squared away and ready for us when the time comes to head to El Paso.  Who wants to come visit me in Texas?  There's plenty of room!

Be sure to check out the other photos by clicking below; have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Wowee! The architecture out west is so different from the Northeast. Glad to hear that you have found a place to settle.

  2. What a great home - I'm excited for you...although not envious.

  3. Love that house- I think my hubs & I would have coffee on that terrace every day.

  4. Wow! What a house! I guess I should get in the car and drive over. Hehe.
    We just went to Texas, and things were beautiful, but this house beats all! I love Texas. It's a great state.

    Thanks for linking up to Foto Friday!

  5. That house looks really big. If it wasn't such a long drive, I would come in a heartbeat. Wouldn't that be fun? Watching the babies poke each other's eyes out while we go on a photowalk. Don't I just sound like mom of the year?

  6. Very cool. Have fun with your new adventure.


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