Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Please welcome Ashley from Ramblings & Photos!

The past few days, I've had Maroon 5's new song, "Move Like Jagger" playing in my head. Since it's my turn to take over Laura's blog...rather than trying to turn off the music in my head, I think I'll just roll with it. Besides, Laura, Sammy and Captain Husband will need some jams for their move to El Paso.

Anyways...as many of you know, my husband and I recently invited our niece to stay with us for the weekend. While she was here, I tried my best to enjoy our time together and not shove a camera in her face. But let's be honest...I'm a photographer. So, at some point, whether she liked it or not, a camera was going to turn on her. Luckily for me, not only did I capture some really sweet moments, but I also managed to pick up some sweet dance moves. Luckily for you, I'm in a sharing mood.

Without further ado, Alyssa and I give you...THE SPRINKLER:

IMG_6566 RS

1. Put your left hand over your left ear.

2. Extend your right arm.

3. Purse your lips together (look at Alyssa).

4. Tick your right arm towards the left side of your body...just like a sprinkler head.

5. Switch arms (right hand over right ear, left arm extended) and repeat.

Now, in my pictures, Alyssa is sitting down. However, these dance moves can also be done standing up. You can even add in a hip swing or march. Just have fun with it!

IMG_6567 RS

With that said, I think my time is up (or rather, my brain has dumped all it has to offer for one silly post). If you or your children happen to practice these dance moves, I think it'd be awesome if you took pictures (or video) and posted them on your blog for all to see. You can even post a link in the comments on this post...just an idea. And to Laura, I hope you and your family arrive to El Paso in one piece.


  1. heheheh love it!! I can't wait to do funky dance moves with Daisy! lol. Yes, I agree with Ashley, drive safe friend!

  2. what a cute and fun post! love the dance moves!! have fun!!

  3. Ashley who? Ha ha...love it. I can so picture Jeremy. :)

  4. Hi L! What a cute blog you have!! :)

    Ashley...this is hilarious. Love this post & the dance moves. I'm taking note. ;)

  5. Ha ha! I love it. She is so cute.


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