Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: There's a first time for everything

{We've all adapting to our new house, but it's been a bit rough on Sammy not having carpeted floors to cushion his falls.  He learned this the hard way when he did a full-on face-plant on the ceramic tile in the foyer, resulting in his first bloody nose.}

{Fortunately he was up and walking it off before I even had a chance to clean off his face.  Sammy's like a Timex watch--he takes a licking and keeps on ticking!}


  1. Ouch! What a brave little boy!!

    Sending him lots of hugs!!!

  2. Awww bless his little heart - he needs a bubble suit.

  3. Bless his sweet heart....and LOL on Ashley's comment. I need one too, so if you find em...lemme know!!! ha.

  4. Poor Sammy! Glad he's up and at'em so quickly!

  5. Aww, poor baby!! That's definitely no fun! :(

  6. wow! HE is such a trooper and bounced back so well! I think the only reason I haven't done wood floors is because I was scared of D falling on a hard surface. eek. You are a brave momma!!

  7. Ouch. Poor little guy.


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