Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Uh oh

{Not quite sure just what exactly you're looking at?  Yeah, me either, though I do know that it managed to do a real number on my front passenger tire last night.  I drove into DC so I could hang out with my friend Seth and his wife, Amy, for a bit--as I approached their apartment building I was surprised to find rock-star parking right out in front; unknown to me at the time, though, was the fact that a 10" section of metal lining the curbside storm drain was jutting out into the roadway, just at the right height to tear into a tire.  It could have been worse--Seth was there to give me a hand putting the spare on and Captain Husband had already made an appointment to take my car in to the dealer today, so it's just one more thing to add to their list of things to fix/check out.  I suppose I'll have to be a bit more wary of rock-star parking spaces from now on.}


  1. Ugh. I'm the type of bitch to contact the apartment community and get them to pay for the tire. How frustrating!

  2. UGH, that stinks. Hopefully, you can get it fixed soon.

  3. Well at least if it's going to happen, it happened before you were on the road!

  4. That really stinks, but I had to laugh as I read this. You know you're a blogger when... you take pictures of the loose metal strip that tore up your tire. ;) I am glad people were there to help and CH was home to help, too.


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