Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fine-feathered friends

 This past Saturday, Captain Husband, Sammy and I gathered our things together and headed off on a little drive to Los Cruces to visit Wild Birds Unlimited; we'd had so much success with our hummingbird feeder that we thought it was time to try and attract some of the other birds we've seen around the neighborhood.  It happened to be the store's fourth anniversary, so there were some wild bird demonstrations on hand (which Sammy loved), and some good discounts to be had as well.  We wound up going home with this:

On the left is the classic bird feeder (with guards to keep the pigeons away) and on the right is a finch feeder, all topped off with a little blue bird of happiness finial.  We figured we'd have birds in our yard taking advantage of this new feeding station pretty quickly, but to our surprise, they've been pretty standoffish.  I actually moved the pole and feeders last afternoon to a more secluded spot in our yard in the hopes that the adjacent shrub coverage will make the birds feel safer about eating in our yard.

On the other hand, the hummingbird feeder continues to bring them in--on Sunday a red-snaped sapsucker stopped by to enjoy a quick meal...Humphrey and his friends weren't too pleased to be sharing with another bird!


  1. That looks pretty fun...well fun for my camera. Love that first shot.

  2. How fun. What great photos.

  3. WOW- how cool!!!!!!! What a great experience!

  4. I'm so jealous, my bird feeding privileges were revoked a few houses ago when OccDoc thought I was feeding more mice than birds with the bird food in the garage. :( Can't wait to see some more great bird shots from you!

  5. So cool. I am looking forward to lots of bird shots!

  6. I would love to gets shots that close, great job!


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