Thursday, September 22, 2011


We're pretty fortunate that our rental house came with a rather sizable yard--however, approximately 85% of our yard is composed of a lovely mixture of dirt, sand and rocks.  Not exactly a bucolic landscape, but perfect for little boys to explore and get dirty.


Want to know why he's pulling the Sammy version of the Mona Lisa smile?  It's because he thinks he's getting away with eating rocks.

The Daily Wyatt


  1. mmmm rocks. Maeve often tries to eat the ones around our apartment complex. I shudder at thinking of her sweet little teeth on them!

  2. Lol, he is just too stinkin cute!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Miss you and Sammy so much!!! It looks like you are enjoying your time down there though. Please let us know when you come up for a visit!


  5. Ugh!!!! Layla did that too...right about that age. Silly kiddos. Love the pic of him looking through his

  6. what IS it with boys and dirt? seriously...

  7. So cute. Dustyn has eaten so much dirt in the past 3 1/2 years. I love that last shot.

  8. Don't worry, the smaller ones will pass right through. ;)

    That boy needs a fleet of construction truck toys to play in that dirt with.

    I really like that last shot. The sun shining in makes it extra neat.

  9. What a cute smile!
    The last photo is my favorite.

    Regards and best wishes


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