Thursday, September 15, 2011

Some fun in the backyard

Sammy has recently shown an interest in climbing just about anything and everything, so I decided to promote this in a somewhat reasonable manner and found him a gently-used climbing/sliding toy on Craigslist.  At first Sammy tried rather unsuccessfully to climb up the slide side, but it didn't take him too long to figure out the easiest and fastest way to surmount his new toy.

We weren't the only ones outside enjoying the gorgeous afternoon that day; Sammy and I were soon joined by a black-chinned hummingbird who had just discovered the new feeder that I had hung on the back patio.  Captain Husband has decided to name the little guy "Humphrey."  (I think Humphrey may actually be a girl, but that's only a minor detail.)

(I wish those clouds were real, but they're actually a texture that I added from an awesome website that I found earlier this week; if you like textures and you like free, you definitely need to check it out!)

The Daily Wyatt


  1. Again with the textures - those clouds don't look fake at all. I'm serious.

  2. Very cool, looked like a beautiful day. and Ashley's right, if you didn't say anything, I would have never known those clouds were fake :)

  3. Are you missing clouds? We have some here for you. 65 and overcast. Please, have some.

  4. I was going to say the same thing! I would LOVE to have the opportunity to take some photos that DON'T have clouds!! Anyway, it's just a matter of time before your yard will be filled with slides and jungle gyms!

  5. Awesome photos. Looks like fun. Love that texture.

  6. I love that you added those clouds!! AWESOME!!!!!

  7. Such great pics! That hummingbird is awesome and the clouds? Who knew?? Cool.

  8. What an awesome shot of the hummingbird! I'll have to check out that website. I'm realizing that playing around with a photo, adding a cloud here, boosting a sunset there, is okay - I've always thought that you need have a photo be "au naturale" for it to be good!


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