Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Another holiday, another excuse to dress Sammy in something completely ridiculous yet incredibly awesome.  This holiday humiliation was provided by my sister-in-law, Sarah, who knitted Sammy a hat shaped like the business end of a turkey.  (She also made one for Henry, so with any luck, we hope to get an official cousins portrait with them in their matching hats.)

And before I totally forget, here's my before and after photos of my cutie-pie nephew:

I didn't do anything too drastic, although I did flip the image--I find that I often compose the subject matter in my photos to the right so I though it would be fun to change things up a bit (does anyone else find themselves favoring one side or another?).  I then did a clean edit to adjust the exposure and compensate for the green tone in the original, cropped things a little bit tighter and cloned out the design on his onesie because I found it visually distracting.  And just for fun, I then converted the edited shot to a black and white image:

What do you think?  Do you have a preference for one version over the other?  I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving today!

And don't forget--if you'd like to learn how to make your photos go from good to wow, be sure to check out what's going on over at Jill and Ashley's blogs:


  1. I love it! I can't wait to see the matching hats. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

  2. I LOVE the hat!!! And I hope you do get a picture of the matching hats... before I had kids I thought matching stuff was lame. But now that I have two boys I can't help it sometimes:) Happy Thanksgiving!!

  3. The one of Sammy is adorable. And love your edit...the only thing I don't necessarily like is that it changes the way his eyes naturally look...not a big deal, but slightly noticeable. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

  4. Very cute photos. Wonderful job on your edit.

  5. I am seriously cracking up over here. I just realized the hat is a turkey!!! But of course it is. DUH. Oh how I love thee....


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