Monday, November 21, 2011

Tips for baby feeding (and flying) magic

Thanks to Plum Organics for sponsoring my post about tips for baby feeding magic. What if you let baby choose what's for dinner? Check out their cute "Quest for Yum!" video and see what happens!

This past Thursday marked a momentous occasion in the life of Sammy--his first time on an airplane. This was also a major milestone for me as it happened to be the first time that I ever flew with a toddler.  Oh, and did I happen to mention that Captain Husband wasn't coming with us, so I was going to be doing this on my own?  Crazy, yes. Insane, yes.  But I was prepared, darn it.  I quizzed all of my friends with young children and compiled a list of their tips and tricks and here are the ones that worked for us:
  • Go to the dollar store and buy a ton of toys and hide them away until the actual flight.  That way, you get the double whammy of new-toy novelty and you can lose them on the plane or in the airport and not feel too guilty about it.
  • In this day and age, nearly everyone has a smart phone.  Use it wisely and download a few free kid-friendly apps, like the Toddler Teaser or Animal Fun.  These two apps kept Sammy from losing his cool when our flight from Phoenix to Pittsburgh was delayed in boarding and he was about an hour overdue for a nap.


  • A friendly pal or cuddle buddy--Sammy doesn't have a lovey, per se, but he does love him some furry animals, so I brought along his pal, Rascal.  Sammy spent quite a bit of time simply stroking Rascal's fur and looking out of the window, which gave the nice gentleman in front of us a brief respite from having the back of his seat kicked.

  • And last, but certainly not least, snacks.  When you think you've packed enough, add two more.  Seriously.  You can never have enough.  My go-to kid-friendly snack when traveling is the Plum Organics Mish Mash pouches; they were life-savers during our epic trek from Virginia to Texas, so I was already well-aware of their magical capabilities when planning for this flight.  They're easy to pack, easy for the little ones to eat, and good for them, too (anyone who's ever traveled with kids knows how difficult it is to find them yummy and healthy snacks when on the road).  Besides, no one wants to be around a toddler with low blood sugar.  Ever.

Left to right: Sammy's snack and my snack, which may or may not have contained whiskey.

If you like cute kids, yummy fruits & veggies, and Pac-Man references, you totally need to check out this video:

I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. To learn more about Plum Organics, visit their Facebook page.


  1. Well- you are brave flying with a toddler- but he's so good so I am sure it was easy. He looks so patient waiting there to board.

  2. Sounds as if you were uber prepared. Good for you for attempting the flight solo. My best friend has flown alone from AUSTRALIA to the US alone with her three children (yes, she's a little off her rocker!) Anyone who travels via plane with children deserves a medal in my book!

  3. Sounds like you were well prepared! Good for you!

  4. Way to go, Mom. Looks like the ride was a success. I can't wait to read about your trip. :)


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