Monday, November 14, 2011

Tricycle races are coming your way

Before I get into the meat of this post, I'd like to apologize for not responding to your lovely comments or visiting your blogs as much as I usually do--my laptop is still not functioning, which means I'm relegated to using the office computer that's located on the second floor of the house.  This means that there are only brief windows of time when I can go online--like when Sammy's napping or in bed for the night--because I can't leave Sammy unattended on the first floor for very long (the iPhone in the toilet incident ring any bells?) and the second floor isn't really all that kid-friendly.  I've got an appointment to take my laptop in this afternoon for a check-up, but I'm not getting my hopes up about its prognosis.  I'm kind of a defensive pessimist like that.  Okay, moving on!

Sammy recently figured out how to climb up onto his tricycle, so Captain Husband and I decided to see if we might be able to teach him the finer points of pedaling over the weekend.  I lowered the seat to the proper height and and CH placed Sammy's feet on the pedals while pushing the trike slowly, so that Sammy would get a feel for the pedals moving under his feet. 

Our efforts to teach him how to self-propel kind of backfired though; Sammy now had the need for speed and wasn't afraid to let CH know when he wanted to be pushed faster.  In order to get the full effect, you need to look at the above photo and imagine a ear-piercing shriek capable of bringing tears to your eyes accompanying that face.  I think we've created a speed demon!


  1. Yeah, we are waiting until the spring to start with the tricycle excitement - being in an apartment doesn't lend itself to such things! And very sorry to hear about your laptop, hope it survives somehow! Did you decide on getting the new iphone?

  2. sweet though. It wont be long he will get the hang of it.

  3. I bet that pinching squeal is music to your ears. JK

  4. looks like lots of fun love that beautiful smile come see me at

  5. Super cute pics- I sure hope your are able to get your laptop fixed. That is never fun when you feel hindered by the equipment we rely so heavily on.

  6. Could Sammy get any cuter? My boys love their ride-on vehicles! Good luck with your laptop!

  7. Oh my gosh I so so adore these shots!! That first one is just priceless. I've always wanted to do a photo session with a kiddo on one of those older tricycles! Cute!


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