Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Sew what's new?

{I've been toying with the idea of getting a sewing machine for awhile now, but the simple fact that I haven't sewn since I was in the 8th grade was a bit of a deterrent.  Captain Husband thought I should go for it, though, and last weekend he bought me a brand-spanking-new sewing machine.}

{I managed to wind a bobbin, thread the machine and sew a few straight lines--all without swearing in excess or having the sewing machine blow up in my face.  Thanks to Pinterest, I have a whole slew of projects lined up, like a book sling and some canvas storage bins for Sammy's play room.}

{It's a good thing I traded my antique brass bed for a vintage 1965 double tanker desk last week--it's the perfect work table for all of my sewing and crafting needs--plus free is always good.  I still have some organization to do and shelves to hang, but I think my new sewing set-up is coming along rather nicely.}


  1. I've had sewing on my mind for a few years too...I might have to get one and start up my own projects!

  2. Oh, very nice! A word of warning, however, the needle on your machine can and will go through your finger if you get distracted while sewing. Just an FYI. I only did that once in my 25 years of sewing, but it sucked.

  3. Oh LOVE it! The sewing machine and table!

  4. Yay! I think every woman should own a sewing machine, just because. And now we need to have some sewing parties! My list of things to make is taller than I am...

  5. Oh wow! How awesome. I have one, it is old. I need to get it out and learn again.

  6. I have been sewing since I was 6. I used to do it a lot. Now photography has taken up my 3 minutes of spare time. Lol.
    I can't wait to see what you start creating.

  7. Fun! Pinterest is so addicting, I've been contemplating a sewing machine to keep me busy during this upcoming deployment...


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