Monday, December 19, 2011

The Christmas train

I was feeling a little bad about last week's debacle with Sammy and Santa Claus and wanted to make it up to him, so Captain Husband and I took Sammy to the local mall to ride the Christmas train.  One of Sammy's favorite toys (at the moment) is his pull-along train, so I figured that this would be something he'd really enjoy.  And even though these photos don't really show it, Sammy had a blast:

After his first ride on the train, we took him over to the indoor playground to run around and play for a little bit before we headed home for lunch, but he all but ignored the other kids running around in favor of watching the train make its loops and saying "choo choo" over and over again.  After about ten minutes of this, CH got the hint and walked Sammy over for a second ride--Sammy was in heaven.  I have a feeling we're going to be making several more visits to the mall this week so that Sammy can get his choo-choo fix before it has to get packed up and returned to the North Pole.


  1. Too cute & fun! My son was obsessed with trains at that age. Didn't help that my uncle is a train freak & nurtured the obsession a little too much! :)

  2. My son has made several trips to our mall train, and has had a blast every time, even though he sees the same three ornaments in the middle about 8 times every trip. Now he asks to visit the big train and ring the bell.

  3. It looks like he is having so much fun. You are in big trouble when they take down the train. ;)


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