Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Oreo truffles

{I hosted a crafty get-together over the weekend and wanted to make something that was 1. delicious and 2. relatively easy to make.  I poked around Pinterest a bit and stumbled upon what may quite easily be the most delicious cookie confection ever known to man--oreo truffles.   I'm not kidding.  You can find the full recipe by clicking here.  After a few of these bad boys and some Merry Mimosas, it's no wonder that we never really go around to doing much actual crafting that evening--we were too busy luxuriating in all of the yummy goodness.}


  1. What the WHAT?! I'm going to a gathering (there's no alcohol there, so I refuse to call it a 'party') on Saturday. I think I might have to bring these! About how many does it make?

  2. OH. My. Gosh. These look SOOOOO Good!

    I'm your newest follower from the GFC!

  3. Ooooo- I knew I wanted to make truffles this season- now I think I am going to mix it up & do this version- YUM!

  4. I need to make these. Love oreos. :D

  5. Mmmmm!!! Yum! Yum!

    Have a nice day, L!

  6. I saw that recipe on Pinterest also It looks so yummy. I have got to try this.

  7. Oh, yummy. You should link this up with Katie Lloyd Photography's Project Pinterest. You find something on Pinterest, then you actually make it.


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