Monday, February 20, 2012

Breaking in the big-boy bed

Captain Husband and I had been toying around with the idea of getting Sammy a toddler bed for a while now; I was of the mindset that the sooner the better, whereas CH wanted to wait a bit longer.  My mom felt the same way that I did and offered to pay for the bed in order to get CH on our side (she actually bought and sent us a toddler bedding set ahead of time to further sweeten the deal--thanks mom!); so on Saturday, the three of us headed over to our local Target where we purchased a new toddler bed and mattress.

We set up the new bed in Sammy's room after he had awakened from his afternoon nap and it didn't take long for him to claim it as his own (although Sandy Cat had already tried to lay claim to it).  He immediately climbed in and started pointing out all of the owls and hearts and other shapes on his new blanket.

We left the crib up in Sammy's room on the off chance that he wouldn't want to give his new bed a try, but it's beginning to appear that we had nothing to worry about.  Sammy wanted to sleep in his new bed the very first night and went down without a single issue--no jumping out of bed and running around his room, no crying, nothing.  Well, at least until midnight, when he fell out and woke us with his cries.  CH went down to check on him and found a sleep-addled Sammy trying his hardest to climb back into bed; we decided to put him in his crib for the rest of the night just to play it safe.

When nap time rolled around yesterday, I asked Sammy where he wanted to sleep and he pointed to his new bed, so I put him down and covered him in his favorite monkey blanket and waited for the inevitable pitter patter of his not-so-little feet following me down the hall, but it never happened.  He feel right asleep and took a full two-hour nap without incident.  I have to admit that both CH and I are pleasantly surprised at how well Sammy's been handling this transition--he really is becoming a big boy.

 then, she {snapped}


  1. Wow! Sammy is ahead of Maeve on this one, for sure! We're holding off as long as possible... but it will probably happen in the next few months.

  2. Wow, so brave! It's great it worked so well, especially with the new addition coming along! Amy would definitely be out of her room within seconds. I fear the day when we have to transition...well done Sammy!

  3. Both my kids loved their "big kid" beds! One of my favorite ever shots of my daughter is of her when she was first sitting on it! Pure joy!

  4. So sweet!! I really hope he keeps being so good for you!!!

  5. Glad it worked out well!! Way to go, Sammy!

  6. He does look big. Did he get a haircut, too? I am glad that he is transitioning so smoothly. :)

  7. We've been dreading transitioning to a big boy bed just because we like knowing our son can't get out unless we take him out, but it'll have to happen sooner or later. Also, I'm loving that bedding set! Do you know where your mom got it?

  8. We are always so hesitant to see our little ones grow up -- but it is inevitable! :)

  9. Congrats on an easy transition! Hooray for the Big Boy Bed!

  10. That is sooo awesome. Adorable. We put Dustyn in his bed when he turned two. He did pretty well. I LOVE that bedspread. You have to tell me where she got it. Awesome.


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