Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's day everyone! After the success of last year's holiday-themed photo of Sammy (click here if you need a chuckle), I had high hopes of taking some Valentine photos that would be at least half as awesome as that one.  Well...have you ever tried to direct a toddler to do something?  You'd think I'd have learned this lesson at some point during the last nineteen and a half months.

I had a few props, like foam hearts and a giant rose scored from the Target dollar bins, that I had hoped would hold Sammy's interest for at least a few minutes while I snapped some photos, but I had forgotten to take into account the siren call that's irresistible to my kid--e.g. dirt.

It wasn't long before he had tossed the props aside and plopped himself down on the ground and started digging in the dirt.  I pleaded and cajoled.  I even went so far as to try and bribe him with a cup full of apple juice, but Sammy wasn't going for it.  At least I managed to get a couple of cute shots before we decided to call it a day and went inside to watch some Blue's Clues; it was the least I could do for my funny little valentine who had put up with my photography requests quite graciously (well, for a toddler at least).

Do you have any fun plans for Valentine's Day?


  1. Awww. Such sweet photos. I love that first one. I didn't even attempt it this year. LOL!

  2. We're going to a cooking class tonight which I'm super excited about. I love these fun photos!

  3. This cracked me up. I "try" to pose my daughter all the time - it never works. These are still some sweet photos and probably capture your little guy better than anything posed. Happy Valentines Day!

  4. So adorable! I love how he's holding that rose behind his back!


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