Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A small milestone

Generally speaking, Sammy's a pretty risk-adverse toddler.  While other parents lament their child's latest attempts at scaling the bookshelf or jumping off of the dining room chairs, I just sit back and thank my lucky stars that Sammy has shown no interest in the slightest in attempting any of those things (knock on wood).  Unfortunately, this trait also means that Sammy is usually a big ol' stick in the mud whenever we go to the playground--he doesn't climb with abandon and the prospect of going down the slide is usually met by screams of protest.  However, this stage may be coming to a pass--at yesterday's play date, not only did Sammy climb the ladder all by himself, he also did it without any pleading or cajoling on my part.  And then the best part happened--he actually sat down, scooted up to the edge of the slide, and went for it.  Sammy stuck the landing, stood up and proudly said, "I did it!" and then proceeded to do it another twenty or so times.  Looks like someone is going to be having a lot more fun at the playground from here on out.


  1. Nice! I felt like that the first time Maeve crawled through a tunnel, she had been really shy about it until just this past December. I was so proud of her for doing it!

  2. Awwww...those milestones are so special to us too!!! I remember....

  3. Awwww...well done Sammy! I wish Amy was a little more risk averse;-) She pushes my hands away on the huge indoor slides and says "Amy do", actually she does that on most things...which drives me crazy.

  4. YAY!!!!!!!!! Love the gif- that is too cute!

  5. Wow, I haven't been over to your blog in quite some time! Sammy is HUGE!! My goodness, he doesn't even look like a baby anymore!! WOW. When I first started following you, he was only ... I don't know... Under 1 year old?? But WOW. That's all I can say, time is flying!


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