Thursday, February 16, 2012

Texture Thursday: Mister Clean

Presented without commentary because I am simply too tuckered out to type anything that makes even the slightest lick of sense.  I'll try and muster up some brain power tomorrow, but in the meantime I'm just going to sit on the couch and watch some Blue's Clues with my bubble boy.

The Daily Wyatt


  1. This reminds me of that shot of Sammy from a while back. He looks the same inside all of those bubbles, but I know he has gotten so very big.
    Speaking of getting big (nice, I know), how is your pregnancy going?

  2. I remember that other photo as well! And he is still the cutie pie!
    Great image!

  3. I absolutely love this shot! Such a cutie!

  4. This capture should totally win a proze or is so fabulous. And bubbly. ha!


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